Breakfast, Dining, Food, Fun, Sullivan, Sweets

Birthday Brunch Roundup- Bacon Pancake Dippers

Happy fathers day to all the papas out there.  If I were home to celebrate I would definitely be cooking a feast for my father, but that will have to wait as he is in New York City enjoying Shake Shack as his treat.  It is quite a tasty establishment with some of the best burgers, dogs, and concretes (basically homemade blizzards) around.  Better than that enter-n-exit chain out in Cali.  Last weekend we had something else to celebrate.  Colin’s birthday! Since there have been so many birthdays to celebrate this summer we thought to switch it up by making a potluck brunch.  We decided on brunch because we couldn’t wake up in time for breakfast and you know I love a good alliteration.  

Here is the mess of a kitchen as we were cooking and the boys enjoying some grub.

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Donuts, danishes, coffe cake, egg white nests, hash brown scrambles, spinach bake, pancakes, mimosas, cinnamon rolls, and much much more.  Some were homemade, others semi-homemade, and more that were straight out of the package and devoured just as much.

Mine would be in the semi-homemade category as I too wanted to sleep in and I do not have a stocked pantry.

I had to bust out my homemade donuts which were gone pretty quickly.  They lost shape because the dough softened up in the heat of the kitchen.


If you are a frequent reader you would know they are in the semi-homemade category although I like to pretend like I slaved over them and let the yeast rise overnight.  Also on our menu were pancake dippers filled with bacon.  Online they show perfect pictures of little pancake soldiers lined up in a row.  In real life they take some practice and I think require a mold to make look perfect.  These too are in the semi-homemade category as we used powdered pancake mix which only requires water.  

Bacon Pancake Dippers

  • Cook bacon according to package ( we used normal bacon, but the turkey bacon lays flatter if you prefer to be a little less guilty) 


  • I put my sister in charge of the bacon because I figured she couldn’t mess it up.  It was a success.
  • Using your favorite batter lay bacon and a light drizzle of more batter on top of the bacon before flipping. 
  • By the time one batch was cooked, the previous was gone so I consider them a success!

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I am nervous to mention the restaurant idea I have as I do not want anyone to take my ideas, but I will reveal it anyways as my subscribers are slim to none.  The name…DIPS. We all love a good dip, anytime of day, sweet, sour, or savory.  This will definitely be on the breakfast and brunch menu once perfected.
